
Learning points and OSCE

Learning points- 1.The importance of history taking  2.The importance of past history which might be the cause for the present condition   3.The effect of rat poisoning on the kidney 4.The types of rat poisoning that are commonly available   5.The importance of building proper relationship between the patient and the doctor  OSCE- Mechanisum of ascitis- It is associated with profound changes in the splanchnic and systemic circulation and with renal abnormalities. The development of ascites is related to the existence of severe sinusoidal portal hypertension that causes marked splanchnic arterial vasodilation and a forward increase in the splanchnic production of lymph. Splanchnic arterial vasodilation also produces arterial vascular underfilling, arterial hypotension, compensatory activation of the RAAS, SNS, and AVP, and a continuous sodium and water retention, leading to ascites formation. Now, therefore, the splanchnic arterial circulation, rather than the venous portal system, is b

CKD due to NSAID abuse

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problem through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evidence input. This E blog also reflect my patient centered online learning portfolia and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.                   I have been given this case to solve in attempts to understand the topic of patient clinical data analysis to develop my compentency in reading and comphrending clinical data including history , clinical finding , investigation and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.... A 29 year old male from Miryalaguda ,a agricultural woker by occupation came to opd with complaints of Bilateral pain in lower limbs upto knee since 22 days History of Presenting Illness:-    Patient was apparently

Gm internals 1 roll no 121


E-log General Medicine (nephrology)

Introduction 65 yr old male came to the casuality with chief complaints pedal edema since 1 and half year.Decreased urine output since one and half year.SOB History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic for 1 and half year back then he developed pedal edema which was gradual onset progressive in nature, came to kims for further investigations. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  K/C/O   HTN N/K/C/O   DM,Thyroid ,TB,Epilepsy,Asthma. PERSONAL HISTORY •Mixed diet •Loss of appetite •Sleep adequate •Bowel and Bladder movements regular. TREATMENT HISTORY  •k/c/o HTN  • Not k/c/o diabetes,CAD , asthma, TB. •NO H/O chemo /radiation , blood transfusion. •NO H/O previous surgeries. FAMILY HISTORY  Not significant. GENERAL EXAMINATION •Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative •Moderately built and Moderately nourished •No signs of - Cyanosis                        Clubbing                         Icterus                          clubbing                         lymphadenopthy •Pedal e


Name-Sanjay Bandaru Roll no -121  QUESTION 1  Below is the link of the student assignment for which I am sharing my review  1)The review for the cases are well. The insights given are very helpful and in a very orderly fashion. This helps in the easy review of the patient in the near future. 3)The peer review is written on Quadreparesis secondary to infectious spondylitis of C4, C5, C6, C7 and D1 with Epidural abscess at C5 - C6 level Acute kidney injury secondary to urosepsis with hyperkalemia.The review given re  ch vundhi hhhfbcr give, cutehim was good enough 4) The overall review and personal experience review is quite good. I'm sure that the patient centered approach of collecting and learning data has been well grasped by the student.n ehguyu QUESTION 2     THIS IS THE ELOG I MADE FOR THIS MONTH QUESTION 3 AKI   https://laharikantoju.b

Sanjay Bandaru roll no 121 (3rd sem)

GENERAL MEDICINE ASSIGNMENT                            Sanjay Bandaru  (3rd sem)                           Monthly  online assignment   I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read,  comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data. This is the link of the questions asked regarding the cases: Below are my answers to the Medicine Assignment based on my comprehension of the cases QUESTION 1 1) Pulmonology  link to the case - insights- the symptomotology is well explained clearly.T he anatomical location of the accurate and etiology of the parent mentioned is accurate  2) neurology  link to the case insights-the symptomatology(the episodes of seizures) is well explained  3) neurology case 2 link to the case  https://budigesaikiran1