Learning points and OSCE
Learning points- 1.The importance of history taking 2.The importance of past history which might be the cause for the present condition 3.The effect of rat poisoning on the kidney 4.The types of rat poisoning that are commonly available 5.The importance of building proper relationship between the patient and the doctor OSCE- Mechanisum of ascitis- It is associated with profound changes in the splanchnic and systemic circulation and with renal abnormalities. The development of ascites is related to the existence of severe sinusoidal portal hypertension that causes marked splanchnic arterial vasodilation and a forward increase in the splanchnic production of lymph. Splanchnic arterial vasodilation also produces arterial vascular underfilling, arterial hypotension, compensatory activation of the RAAS, SNS, and AVP, and a continuous sodium and water retention, leading to ascites formation. Now, therefore, the splanchnic arterial circulation, rather than the ve...