Sanjay Bandaru roll no 121 (3rd sem)


                         Sanjay Bandaru (3rd sem) 

                        Monthly  online assignment


I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data.

This is the link of the questions asked regarding the cases:

Below are my answers to the Medicine Assignment based on my comprehension of the cases


1) Pulmonology 

insights-the symptomotology is well explained clearly.The anatomical location of the accurate and etiology of the parent mentioned is accurate 

2) neurology 

insights-the symptomatology(the episodes of seizures) is well explained 

3) neurology case 2
insights- the symptomotolgy (timeline of the patient) is well mentioned and the pharmacological aspect is covered well.

4)case 1 
link to the case

insights-the anatomical location of the problem and ethiology is accurately described.The pharmacological interventions are also helpful.

5) case2 
link to the case
insights-the evolution of symptomology is well mentioned.the present complaint is also mentioned which is very helpful 

6)case 1 

insights-the history reports and x rays are very useful for the treatment and for coming into a conclusion 

7)case 1A
link to the case

insights-the evolution of symptomology is well mentioned and location is also mentioned which helps in the progress 

8) case 1

insights-the history is well presented and the ethiology is also accurate 

9)pulmonology case
link to the case-
insights-the history is well taken followed by the investigations and hrct 

10)pulmonology case 
insights- the flowchart showing the ethiology is well designed 

Still didn't get a chance to do a case E log. Once its completed shall be updated here.

The data that is captured is sufficient to diagnose the patient. The patient has been asymptomatic for 5 days but the distention is generalized. The ECG showed atrial fibrilation and the 2D echo showed mild pericardial efflusion. biochemical report showing severe hyperthyroidism possibly relating to her refractory Atrial fibrillation and was attempted to defibrillate. she was on Thyronorm 100mg OD for hypothyroidism. All the biochemical investigations came out to be normal.

Treatment plan:

Inj. Amiodarone 150 mgIV stat (2 doses)

Inj.Amiodarone infusion

 1mg/min till 6hr f/b 0.5 mg/min for next 18 hours

 Inj.clexane 40mg Sc OD 

Due to this pandemic we are unable to appear directly and experience the patient but even though we had a very good experience which is not had been possible without the general medicine department. But, over the course of last month Dr.Rakesh Biswas, the HOD of general medicine and the entire department has been really helpful to us and have done the best in their being for us to get a maximum exposure out of this We have learning the basic knowledge regarding how to interact with the patient and taking history from them. we look forward to attend the clinical postings in person and get the at most knowledgable experience out of this.


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